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If you are interested in adopting a child or children from Haiti, the first step is to contact a Hague approved agencies to receive information about the adoption process. All families, no matter what country, are required to work with a Hague approved agency to prepare their dossier and help them through the adoption process. Haitian Social Services chooses the orphanage that you will work with in Haiti.  You do not get to choose the orphanage or the child. Here are a few agencies that we have worked with in the past.



Adopting from Haiti & GLA

  • Adoption can be requested jointly by a married and not legally separated heterosexual couple, after five (5) years of marriage and when one of the spouses is at least thirty (30) years old.

  • The age of the adoptive parents may not exceed fifty (50) years for the older of the two (2) spouses  or a single parent at the time of a referral of a child.

  • Both parents must be able to come to Haiti for 2 weeks after a child’s referral.  This is a requirement of the law.

  • Applications from single men and women aged at least thirty-five (35) years of age are accepted.

  • Biological and adopted children in the home are acceptable.

  • If the adoptive parents already have biological or adopted children, the children must give their opinion if they are eight (8) years old or older.

  • Biological and adopted children in the home are acceptable. The Haitian government requires families to travel to Haiti twice during the adoption process.  Once at the time of the child referral by IBESR (Haitian Social Services) and then at the end of the process to take your children home. 

  • IBESR does not allow same-sex couples to adopt. All families when sending their dossiers to Haiti will be put on a waiting list until IBESR decides that the family matches a child who is available for adoption. The child matched may come from any orphanage authorized to do adoptions. Your matched child might not live at God’s Littlest Angels under the new adoption policies.   






Post placement IBESR report form

What some of Our Families are saying

"Our family was introduced to GLA in 2009 during the process of adopting our son, Cleo, and we have been changed by this ministry ever since. Although we wanted Cleo home the moment we saw pictures of him and his adorable face on DVD, we knew he was getting the best care possible in Haiti. Throughout the past four years we have followed the work of GLA and been privileged to return to Haiti with teams from our church. We are always impressed with the GLA staff and encouraged by the difference they are making in the kingdom of God that reaches beyond the walls of the orphanage into the community, from assisting other orphanages to their school sponsorship program. We praise God for His faithfulness in choosing forever families for the beautiful orphans they care for and His provision for Fort Jacques. God is shining through GLA and we are honored to have a small part in it."

Ryan & Sue, USA.



Make a difference by adopting a child today!


Contact Us

If you would like more information about what we are doing in Haiti, about opportunities to volunteer with us, or about partnering with GLA to raise support and awareness in your local area, please send us an email and we’ll make sure to respond to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for submitting!


PO Box 64285

Colorado Springs, CO 80962



2023© God's Littlest Angels.

Powered and secured by The Kertcher Foundation

Contact Us

If you would like more information about what we are doing in Haiti, about opportunities to volunteer with us, or about partnering with GLA to raise support and awareness in your local area, please send us an email and we’ll make sure to respond to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for submitting!


PO Box 64285

Colorado Springs, CO 80962




God's Littlest Angel a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

EIN: 36-4149349


Made with love by The Kertcher Foundation

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